Lecture 5 Follow-up
These are Amnon’s responses to the written questions submitted by members that he did not have time to answer in class.
Here is a YouTube link to Amnon Zohar’s lecture on the Israel Hamas conflict that he gave to another organization and agreed to provide to the class.
Here is a 14-minute video reflecting his update on the Israel-Hamas war.
November 23 Message from Amnon Zohar
In our lecture series we asked the question: Is Democracy in Peril? Recent elections in the US, Brazil, Poland and the pushback on the extreme right government in Israel may have tempted us to believe that Populism has been exposed for what it is: a con job. Not so fast apparently. The Netherlands has just elected an extreme right wing populist in a landslide. Although it is not clear that he can cobble a coalition to govern. However populists always find a way once elected. As we discussed, anti immigration sentiment continues to be the major threat to democracy especially in the EU as has been the case recently in Sweden. Read this article as a follow up to our lecture series.
Best wishes for the Holiday Season!