LLIR Supporting Glendon Students

A direct link has been established for online donations to the LLIR Glendon fund.
To donate now, use this link LLIR Glendon Student Opportunity Fund

Impact of LLIR Members Giving: a summary report for fiscal year 2022

LLIR members and LLIR as an organization for many years have provided financial support to Glendon College students principally (but not only) through establishment of endowed funds at Glendon. This report summarizes the continuing positive impact in fiscal year 2022 of these past donations which resulted in $25,000 in awards to 23 Glendon students. Here are the details.

Anniversary endowed funds

Over time, LLIR has established three anniversary continuing endowed funds at Glendon (our 25th, 35th and 40th). The aggregated capital value (i.e. initial gift plus accumulated earnings minus previous awards) of these anniversary funds is about $ 276,000. An endowed fund releases 4% (of the capital value) each year for awards (grants) to students who meet the criteria for financial aid. This past year, 11 awards were granted from these anniversary funds totalling just about $11,000. 

Anniversary expendable funds

For its 45th anniversary, LLIR established two expendable funds of $12,500 to fund five years of awards of $2,500 each for two students: one award for a refugee student and the other for a mature student living at home. A total of $5,000 was awarded this past year to two such students. 

Another expendable fund

FOG Hardship Fund. The Hardship fund is an expendable fund, a source of funds for students facing acute short term financial hardship while at Glendon. The students qualify for one-time grants to help continue with their program. This fund was originally established by FOG, but in fiscal year 2021 LLIR members donated in excess of $30,000. In fiscal year 2022, 8 grants aggregating $6,050 were awarded from this fund to qualifying students. The remaining expendable balance continues to be used for the same purpose. 

LLIR Glendon Student Opportunity Fund  

This is a new fund, a hybrid endowed/expendable fund, established by LLIR at the end of fiscal year 2021 with a capital contribution of $25,000. The capital portion is invested and will be a source of awards in the future (as is the case with the endowed anniversary funds). During fiscal 2022, LLIR members contributed almost $21,000 to the expendable portion of the fund and $3,000 was awarded to two students.

A direct link has been established for online donations to the new fund. To donate now, use this link LLIR Glendon Student Opportunity Fund .