
Get Involved

You are LLIR’s most valuable resource!

As a volunteer-run organization, we couldn’t offer such a wide range of affordable and accessible programs if it weren’t for the participation and enthusiasm of our members.

From time to time we have a variety of short term classroom support roles available. Periodically, we also have openings on our Board of Directors and Committees.

Our members have found that their volunteer roles with LLIR have been as rewarding and fulfilling as the classes that they attend. Taking the time to help LLIR is win-win!

We look for new Board members to be elected at our AGM in March. For more information, visit Join the Board.

If you are interested in volunteering or wish more information, email volunteering@llir.ca or speak to one of the Board members.

There are other ways to help. 
Consider donating to LLIR Glendon Student Opportunity Fund to help needy students.