In the Classroom at Glendon

LLIR returned to the Glendon campus in September, 2022! We were pleased to welcome back our valuable classroom volunteers at that time.

Member Volunteer Benefit
Get enjoyment from meeting some new friends and get satisfaction from helping LLIR run smoothly and effectively for all.
Get to know some Board members and help by performing in one of the following capacities:

  • Course Co-chair or Backup Chair
    Assist a course chair (normally a member of the Board); for example, by helping members who require reserved seating or rotating duties with the chair or co-chair
  • Audio-Visual Operator
    Operate the instructor’s podium controls and classroom lights
  • Greeters
    Welcome attendees, hand out name tags, answer questions and ensure LLIR COVID protocols are followed (mask yes, food and drink no). Remind members to wear their name tags when entering the classroom.
  • Thankers
    Thank the instructor (Guest Lecturer or Course Director) on behalf of the class

For more information, click here