Waitlist Application

Thank you for your interest in Living & Learning in Retirement. To add your name to our waitlist, read the following notes and complete the form below.

  • Submit one form for each person.
  • You must have a unique email address. LLIR cannot process a waitlist submission that specifies the same email address as another applicant or a LLIR member.
  • By providing your email address, you are giving LLIR explicit permission to send you electronic communications. We send notifications and materials using the email address that you enter on the form below. If you cannot or do not wish to receive electronic communications, please do not apply.
  • You can apply and add your name to the Waitlist only once. Please do not apply multiple times using different email addresses. There is no advantage in doing so and duplicate applications will be deleted.
  • If your email address changes while you are on the waitlist, please inform us by email to registrar@llir.ca so we can update your application.

Please enter your personal information below and click the Submit button. If you prefer, first read more about becoming an LLIR member.